Friday, August 26, 2016

A New Journey

"It is good to have an end to journey towards, 
but it is the journey that matters in the end."
- Ursula Le Guin

For the first year since starting kindergarten in 1989, as either a student or teacher, I started this school year not in the classroom. In all honesty, it felt odd. I have become accustomed to prepping my classroom, writing my syllabus and creating get-to-know-you games annually. I looked forward to a clean slate and to try the newly created techie things I discovered over the summer. 

Even though I no longer have a classroom of my own, my new position as a Technology Design Coach allows me the amazing opportunity to support enthusiastic, forward-thinking teachers in all of their classrooms. I could not be more excited to work with all levels and in all subjects and to affect change in teaching the 21st century learner. I know that I will learn just as much from the teachers and students this year on our journey together as I hope to teach them. 

I hope to use this space as a place to generate and share my technology ideas, ones that I would try in my own classroom should it still exist. I hope they inspire you to try in your own classroom, to share with your colleagues, and to create great learning encounters with your students. 

As I will be keeping this blog, so will my amazing and talented colleagues be keeping their own too. I encourage you to check out their journeys also in the links I've put in the right panel here. 

Good Luck this year to all! :)