Friday, September 16, 2016

Digital Note Taking

"Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things." 
~Peter Drucker

I remember when I was a middle school student that I had teacher require me to keep a 3 ring binder with dividers for each subject, to take notes on only one side of notebook paper and keep them in the subsequent sections. I remember hating this. I wanted to keep notes in one spiral notebook with color-coded identifiers for each subject. But it wasn't allowed. 

So when I became a high school teacher, I didn't mind students taking notes the way they wanted. I gave suggestions for various note-taking methods and annotation tools. I welcomed technology into my classroom and monitored student screens and participation closely. 

There are hundreds of various ways to take notes and with just as many note-taking apps out there, it's hard to find the ones that fit each learner's preferences. Here are my suggestions for digital note-taking apps:

I was lucky enough to be turned on to Notability in 2012 and I fell in love with it. I remember emailing my whole school when it was the free featured app that spring. I rarely pay for apps over a dollar or so, but Notability is SO worth it! Additionally, there is a Mac application that syncs with the iPad app. I love this feature so that I can go from one device to another without  missing something for work or home. I particularly like that the app backs-up to a cloud account of your choice. 

This is the app I use. And I noticed that as I when I was sitting in meetings, several of my colleagues were using it also. I like to created folders with color-coded notes. As a teacher, I was able to do digital annotations for grading purposes and students were able to digitally annotate a text, book or worksheet. I like that I can type, hand-write, add images or whatever it is that I need to take notes, that I can switch back-and-forth at my own preference. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

It's about baby steps

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change 
their minds cannot change anything." ~ George Bernard Shaw

Rome wasn't built in a single day. Nor did you learn algebra in one solitary sitting. It's all about realistic progress. 

Start by introducing something small. Perhaps something that is already supported by your school and/or district, like Google's G Suite for Education. You could keep a class calendar using Google Calendar that is linked to your teacher webpage; create class folders on your Google Drive that are shared with your students to keep handouts and assignments in; allow students to use Google Docs for writing assignments and Google Slides for presentations - all accessible from school or home simply by using an internet connection. 

Perhaps an educational and fun tool to use as a whole class. If you have (older) students who are able to use their mobile devices or there is a class set of devices available, I suggest using Kahoot! I used Kahoot! in my classroom for various activities: introducing new concepts, quizzing vocabulary, or simply a fun trivia game. Check out Kahoot!'s YouTube channel to see how other teachers are using it for education and fun in the classroom. 

If you have (younger) students or not enough devices, I suggest using Plickers. I love the way you can just sweep the room with your device to capture the students' answers. I also like to laminate a card to assign to each student to keep all year. A great Ticket Out to capture the understanding for the day's lesson. Plus there is data stored after each question that can be examined for re-teaching or further lessons. Check out examples from other teachers on YouTube. 

Introducing technology to your classroom doesn't have to be an insurmountable feat. Try something small at first and get your feet wet and see how your students learn from it, then try a little more or something else. You gotta crawl before you can walk, and walk before you run. Enjoy!!

Friday, September 2, 2016

If at first you don't succeed...

"If you're trying to achieve, there will be roadblocks. I've had them;
everybody has had them. But obstacles don't have to stop you.
If you run into a wall, don't turn around and give up.
Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it."
~ Michael Jordan

We've all heard the saying from parents, teachers, and mentors alike, "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again." None of us would be where we are today if we didn't take that first step. Much like we ask our students, all I ask is that you TRY! 

As teachers, every moment in the school day is critical and often planned down to the minute; thus, the last thing I wanted to do was spend that precious time waiting for copies in the copy room. Not to mention, many students lost their handout and required another or stuffed it in the bottom of their backpack never to be seen again. I started thinking how much time and paper was being wasted and thought there had to be another way. 

I thought I'd try with something small: posting material to my teacher website. I would post handouts and other materials days in advance, and if a student preferred a tangible copy then she was responsible for printing it and bringing it to class. Sure it took some practice, and there was certainly a learning curve for us all, but I slowly reduced my paper consumption and the students enjoyed being directed to the Internet for homework. Plus, I gained back precious minutes in my day!

So what would you like to try? What have you heard about and thought "that would be fun" or "my students would really learn from that"? Perhaps you try something new in your elementary centers time or a warm-up or ticket-out in a secondary classroom. It is my hope to feature some of my favorite things here on my blog. Mere suggestions that may or may not be right for you and your students, but you'll never know until you TRY! 

Happy trying! :)